Insights as a Service episode:

10. Scaling up for a high value exit

10. Scaling up for a high value exit


Paul O’Dwyer knows what gets businesses ahead. He has used the Scaling Up frame work to orchestrate his own high value exit and to build several brands he has been (or still is) involved with. He has also helped many other business owners work towards the same outcomes through his consultancy business, 20 Mile March. In this episode he runs though the need to think long term, why limiting your goals is important, defining and implementing strategy, and which metrics matter.


  • 0:00 Episode intro
  • 0:45 Scaling up coach, Paul O’Dwyer’s background
  • 4:00 Realistic business goal planning for IT leaders
  • 6:55 Why Paul O’Dwyer is a business coach
  • 9:30 How to make sure you have the right people
  • 12:10 Generational impact on a “good job”
  • 15:25 Tips for interviewing candidates
  • 17:55 Scaling up processes
  • 21:20 Foundations to scaling up
  • 26:15 The BHAG – Big hairy audacious goal
  • 32:00 Roles and responsibilities in scaling up
  • 35:45 The flywheel and why it’s important
  • 40:05 Understanding strategy as an IT business leader
  • 48:30 How to be a better executive
  • 52:00 Trends in the tech community

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