internet services uptime report

Internet Services Uptime Report

Historical reporting of uptime per service over 7 days, 30 days or 12 months. Allows you to view all services in a single and assess performance against SLA and track trends.

Services ranked by lowest uptime with options to select 30 Days, 7 Days, 24 hours and past 12 months. Please note the 12-month view will only show data from July 2021 onwards, and the graphs include downtime from scheduled maintenance.

For the time being, this report won’t show NBN, voice, and wireless services in the list. 

This is great for customers that want to gain an insight into service performance or wholesale account managers looking to add some graphs around service quality to their customers.

For technical contacts, it’s an easy visualisation to see the service status and get a visual for post-incident comms.

Internet service uptime report

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