Insights as a Service episode:

62. Mastering Tech Recruitment

62. Mastering Tech Recruitment

In this episode of Insights as a Service, Brendan is joined by Dean Ellis, recruitment manager at Beaumont People.

From global Insights to local benefits, they delve into the latest developments in technology recruitment.

Explore market trends, talk about security and career progression in smaller MSPs, tackle salary inflation, and gain insights on employee retention, skills assessment, and customer support.

They also discuss the concept of functional roles in tech and how to make the four-day workweek work in your business.


  • 00:00 – The Pitfalls of Chasing a Higher Paycheck
  • 04:55 – Salary Increases for Software Engineers
  • 09:39 – The Security Perception in Smaller MSPs
  • 14:24 – Promoting Unskilled Employees in MSPs
  • 19:09 – The Importance of Company Culture
  • 23:53 – The Impact of Offshoring on the Technology Sector in Australia
  • 28:31 – Specialization and Offshoring in the Tech Industry
  • 33:11 – Implementing a Four-Day WorkWeek
  • 37:48 – Ensuring Customer Satisfaction and Productivity
  • 42:30 – Measuring and Increasing Direction
  • 46:57 – Effective Communication with Customers
  • 51:37 – Value-Added Service and Building Sticky Relationships

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