Lightwire purchases connectplay

Lightwire purchases Connectplay

We have some great news to share. London Green Group, Lightwire’s parent company, has purchased Connectplay, a business and residential hardware and software provider to the New Zealand and Australian telco markets. Connectplay’s services will be combined into Lightwire’s business offering going forward.
Read on to find out why we made this move and what Lightwire’s future looks like.

What does Connectplay do?

Connectplay is even older than Lightwire. While we just celebrated our 15th year, Connectplay has been around since 2002. Connectplay specialises in providing equipment, solutions and support services for broadband providers. They primarily provide Huawei hardware and proprietary software solutions, which work together to drive efficiencies and profitability for telecommunications companies.

Neuron ACS, designed and built in-house, is an affordable, scalable, fast and secure ACS solution for Internet Service Providers of all levels.

Why was this purchase a smart move?

Lightwire was a significant client of Connectplay’s, so efficiencies were gained by moving these functions and procurement channels in-house. We also see an opportunity to drive growth in hardware and Neuron sales through integration with our business unit. Lightwire’s business arm is channel and wholesale focused, so the capabilities gained through this acquisition complement our focus nicely.

What’s next?

Connectplay’s team has joined Lightwire. We are now looking at product design and positioning while also working with our partners at Huawei to take their next generation of WiFi6 routers and mesh units to market.

Got a question relating to this announcement? Drop us a line via

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