Insights as a Service episode:

6. Does NPS tell us anything useful?

6. Does NPS tell us anything useful?


This week on Insights as a Service Nick and I are covering Telstra’s $2,5 million fine from the Australian Communications and Media Authority, NBN’s transition to the business space, and the real insights that are unlocked with customer surveys like the famed NPS score


  • 0:00 What’s in this episode
  • 0:52 Telstra record fine
  • 3:22 Chorus announces Hyperfibre in more places
  • 5:40 Chip shortages hitting the IT market
  • 7:40 NBN pissing off fibre companies & Australia
  • 9:45 AU Hyper 1 connect ready by December 2022
  • 11:36 Undersea Southern Cross NEXT cable almost complete
  • 14:28 NPS – What is it and does it make sense?
  • 18:35 The problem(s) with NPS
  • 23:10 The value of NPS
  • 26:50 Keep this in mind for your next NPS survey

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