Insights as a Service episode:

27. Live from Zenith Live with Jeremy Nees

27. Live from Zenith Live with Jeremy Nees

Brendan and Jeremy Nees (Chief Operations Officer at The Instillery) woke up early to watch the Zscaler’s Zenith Live, so you don’t have to. Cyber security is one of the biggest opportunities for MSPs to add value, and this episode will offer you a glimpse into the future of cyber security.

From the highlights to frictionless user experience AND cyber security to the possible end of SD-WAN, tune in to this week’s episode to get a full recap of the biggest event in cyber security, Zscaler’s Zenith Live 2022. 

Episode timestamps below

  • 0:00 What’s in this episode
  • 1:00 Highlights of Zscaler’s 2022 Zenith Live
  • 3:35 The future of Zero Trust
  • 8:39 Micro segmentation in cyber security
  • 11:40 Frictionless user experience AND security
  • 13:40 AI capability to protect data at risk
  • 16:15 Securing IoT and OT networks
  • 19:20 Zscaler for workloads, the end of traditional SD-WAN?
  • 24:00 What is Zscaler Infrastructure as Code Security?
  • 28:30 Zscaler’s future and strategy
  • 32:50 New Zealand’s 5G opportunity
  • 35:00 More info to come follow us on social media

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