Lightwire Team

Great customer experience starts with great people

Lightwire’s success is built off the efforts of fantastic people, we understand that and have a range of initiatives in place to ensure that we attract, and keep, the best.

Our wellbeing program drives staff engagement, but as with any business process, we can’t improve what we don’t measure, so taking the pulse of our team engagement via our eNPS (employee net promoter score) score is key.

We have recently adjusted how we gauge our eNPS score, now adhering to the best practice positioning of, “how likely are you to recommend working for Lightwire to a family member of friend? (0 being not at all, 10 being without hesitation)”. 

Following this model, with answers being provided anonymously, I am very happy to say that we scored 69 in our most recent survey.

For context, the telco industry average is -11 (as per Perceptive New Zealand’s 2018 eNPS report) and anything above 50 is considered an excellent result.

Our eNPS result comes from a lot of focus and hard work, with our people and culture team driving our market leading wellbeing program, which includes (but is not limited to)…

  • $1,000 p/year wellness allowance
  • In-house gym (or reimbursement for remote workers)
  • $500 p/year clothing allowance
  • First home owners grant of $7,500
  • Weekly PT/Wellness sessions
  • Free internet at home
  • And a whole lot more, most of which is detailed here

Recruiting well and looking after our team are key components of our strategy to deliver an exceptional customer experience. It is great to see a plan come together.

If you are an exceptional performer and keen to join Lightwire, you can check out the positions we are currently looking to fill here

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