Teams Calling playbook

This isn’t a sales doc and you won’t find much in the way of pricing or sales pitches. However, you’ll learn what Teams Calling (also known as Teams Phone);

No forms, no spam, no cold calls – the Teams Calling Playbook is 100% free.

What is Teams Calling?
The Teams Calling Playbook helps MSPs scope, design, provision, and support Teams Calling with Confidence.

From technical pre-sales to implementation

Part one of the Teams Calling playbook is aimed at technical pre-sales folks. Providing background on how to qualify, design, license and price accurately.

Part two is all about the implementation. Giving your implementation team the knowledge required for deploying this service for end-users and supporting it post-deployment.

Read the Teams Calling playbook

The playbook might take a few seconds to load. Double click for full screen size.

We're here to help

Whether you have questions about voice services like Teams Calling, want to know how Lightwire’s partner programs work or want to get started with the free 14 day Teams Calling trial, we’re happy to help.

Elliot Newton - Channel Account Manager

Add value through white labelled voice & data services