Insights as a Service episode:

53. What are profitable MSPs paying?

53. What are profitable MSPs paying?

The S-L Index 2023 Annual Compensation Report is out!

And it is the focus of this week’s episode. Peter Kujawa, VP – of Service Leadership, a Connectwise Solution and Brendan discuss the latest compensation trends in the MSP industry and how they relate to the impact of automation on M&A and valuation multiples. They also explore emerging technologies such as AI and their effect on the industry.

Tune in to learn about adapting to stay competitive, controlling profitability, innovating to meet changing client needs, and more.


  • 1:01 ConnectWise Compensation Report
  • 4:25 Wage Inflation and its Impact on the Industry
  • 10:08 Evolution of Pricing Methodologies
  • 18:06 The Importance of Sales and Marketing
  • 28:47 Mergers and Acquisitions
  • 34:10 The Role of Technology
  • 38:33 The future of the MSP industry

This podcast is brought to you by Lightwire Business – the telco that compliments your MSP service offering instead of competing with it. Check out how you can add more revenue to your MSP with (white labelled) voice, data, and managed solutions at:

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