Insights as a Service episode:

43. MSPs need to think differently about legal

43. MSPs need to think differently about legal

MSPs that get their legal frameworks right minimise risk, drive profitability, and drive Enterprise value. Do you have the right agreements in place? How often do you review them? How are they aligned with ever changing SaaS vendor terms of use? Anne Hall from IT Agree joins Brendan this week to fill you in on how you can get your legal frameworks in order.


  • 0:00 What’s in this episode
  • 1:00 Legal pain points of MSPs
  • 4:00 How Anne Hall from IT Agree helps MSPs
  • 6:45 How contracts drive MSP profitability
  • 10:20 Key agreements for MSPs
  • 14:30 Service Level Agreements
  • 16:30 Contracts, Court, and how not lose clients
  • 22:30 How to align to contractual services to boosts profit
  • 26:30 Protecting you from out of scope requests
  • 28:45 Are MSPs liable against cyber attacks?
  • 30:30 Why you need to update your service agreements
  • 35:15 Path to legal security for MSPs
  • 40:00 What happens to policy, legal, and ethics in ransomware attacks?

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