Insights as a Service episode:

35. The Revenue Delusion

35. The Revenue Delusion

Here’s how to avoid profitability issues in your business. What’s your end game? And how can you work back from that definition to create the required building blocks for success? Adrien Nisbet works with businesses under stress to turn them around and/or to help execute owner exits. In this episode, he talks through the ways to define your end game, the data to track, the need for tangible assets, value based pricing, the revenue delusion, and more…


  • 00:00 What is The End Game
  • 04:20 How businesses get in trouble
  • 8:50 Balance Sheet can be misleading
  • 10:35 The misunderstanding on how to be profitable in the medium size business community
  • 13:20 When Profit is a dirty word
  • 15:30 Indecision: kicking the can down the road mentality
  • 18:30 Lack of organisational clarity
  • 20:40 How late is too late
  • 22:20 Making decisions based on fear
  • 23:40 Don’t blame the market
  • 25:40 When Profit is King
  • 30:30 the Importance of Automation
  • 33:30 Do Private Equity snap bargains?
  • 34:41 Get your pricing right

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